Another day dawns. In the stifling heat, cicadas sing their mournful tune alerting all to summer’s fate. But, bursting with joy and flavor are still more delectable blueberries…waiting for me to seal their fate.  The familiar cast of characters take the stage…jars and rings – stainless steel pot and extra-large measuring cups.

Lime zest from a small lime – two tablespoons of vodka – one tablespoon of fresh lime juice – one-half teaspoon of coriander, all come together to create this refreshing jam.



The recipe comes from Saving the Season (  and couldn’t be easier. I did macerate the berries in the sugar to start and pulped them by hand to avoid the initial heating step.  The yield was four 4oz. jars, two 8oz jars and a full jam pot.  Pretty impressive for such little work.

Posted on by canyoucancan | 2 Comments

I’m so blue…

 Blueberries as far as the eye can see…one of my favorite fruits!  Plump, tender morsels warmed lovingly by the summer sun – waiting to know their fate. Will they be eaten from eager little hands? Combined with lemon juice and zest, flour and cinnamon – enrobed in a flakey overcoat to create a sinful dessert? Or, encased in a glass jar to be opened at a later date…full of summery goodness to be enjoyed on a cold and snowy Wisconsin winter day?  That’s the question that plagues me as I wait for my fresh flats of berries…

As I pour over canning cookbooks and saved recipes I grow anxious to can again…forgetting jam burns and scorched fingers. And…twenty pounds of blueberries in hand (well, in-car)…I embark on a mission to start the 2012 Summer Canning Season (almost like it’s a official thing).  Gingerered Blueberry Jam lovingly calls my name ( I followed the recipe and ended up with 5 1/2 4oz. jelly jars – the lemon I had was a pretty good-sized fruit as the end result is more of a Lemon Blueberry Ginger Spreadable Fruit.  But…it’s oh so yummy…begging for homemade biscuits or a flakey cream scone.

…and without further ado…photos of the ordeal…

Everything is better with candied ginger, right?

Just ready to release their inner berry.

The aftermath.

Sarah’s probably thinking, you want me to do what with this?

This is what happens when you roll around on the floor, trying to get a shot of your cat and your jam, when you unknowling have jam on your arm.

Sarah’s not so sure she likes jam…

It’s all about perspective.

The fuzzy jar shot.

The notsoartsy shot of the jam pot.

Posted in Berries, Jam, Sarah, Sweet | 1 Comment

So…I’m not really a blogger…

Basil Tomato Sauce.

Red raspberry jam.
Garden salsa.

So…I know this to be true. Why? Because I just spent about a bajillion minutes uploading and cropping photos for this ‘recap’ post and then deleted all of it on accident…even with the post being saved every few seconds. How can this be? Ah…the wonders of the cyberworld. So…without further ado…and without a lot of editing, downloading or otherwise – a little recap of what I canned (a very very small glimpse into the last year…maybe 10% of what I canned.)…and because I’m essentially, not a blogger…I’m not going to go back and reupload everything…so you are getting just a few unedited photos (probably from my phone…in bad light…fuzzy and all)…because that’s just how I roll…not being a blogger and all! So…enjoy the uncropped, unedited, overly LARGE photos…and I promise, when I post about my blueberries…I’ll try to do better…

Red raspberry-peach jam.

Victorian (rhubarb) BBQ Sauce.

Dilly Beans. 


Drunken Peaches.

Some of my Craig’s List stash.